Keep going pilgrim

Extract from the rules:


Play begins with setting a personal goal.
Before throwing the dice for the first time, each pilgrim sets and names his personal goal for this play.
Everything that happens during the game (on the board as well around the board) may be related to this personal goal.

Your Turn
- Throw the dice and move your token along the slightly darker path on the
   board, the number of spaces indicated on the dice.

- The token remains on the space occupied and the game proceeds from that
   point on the player’s next turn.

- Two or more tokens may rest on the same space at the same time.
- If you throw doubles, you have to move the angel and not your token. (see
  explanations below)

The Stations
Each time your token reaches a space at one of the stations, (pyramid – chakra-rectangle - the circle of the 5 steps – the three gunas- the wake up calls - the 7 rays) your token has to proceed with your next play from the first space behind the station, so that the pilgrim receives only one instruction from each station.
Either you are allowed to continue your pilgrimage on the direct path or you have to make a detour.
